
Memorial Day Weekend Celebration Challenge

There is a bit of a heated debate going on over at the Bring It On location that involves some commentators disagreeing as to how to honor and celebrate the Memorial Day Holiday on Monday. Certainly, using little green men to make political statements is one way.

I am suggesting that we rearrange the deck chairs on the sinking republican ship called America to shift the debate toward focusing on what might be an appropriate way to celebrate the holiday. Certainly, as president of the United States, W shares more of the burden of the responsibility for generating more dead GIs to include in our memories. Shouldn't he be doing something different from the rest of us this weekend? So, let's call this:

Windspike's Memorial Day Presidential Holiday Suggestions
  • If you could suggest one way for the President to best honor the Memorial Day National Holiday, what would you have him do an why?


Lew Scannon said...

Grand Rapids isn't even having it's Memorial day parade this weekend! I went last year, and the turnout was depressing, considering how many magnetic yellow ribbons you see around here. It is no longer about honoring our soldiers, it's all about drinking beer and barbecuing and fighting traffic to get to your spot on the shores of the Big Lake.

Anonymous said...

He should should bite down on the business end of a loaded pistol and pull the trigger.

Anonymous said...

Apologize...for everything.

spyderkl said...

Enlist. Failing that, enlisting his daughters would suffice.

Unknown said...

Oh, I like the enlistment one best so far...and take his twins with him.

Anonymous said...

He should turn himself in for the murders of the victims of 9/11 and all those he's killed in his blood for oil war.

sumo said...

Burn him at the stake!

nocturnal scribe said...

Present himself alone to the biggest crowd of Iraqis to be found in Iraq, without any sort of bodyguards, with a big sign in Arabic stating, "I am the American president George W. Bush who brought all this death and destruction upon you."

Seven Stones to Rapa said...

Kipling wrote that The Female of the Species is More Deadly Than The Male. In his listing of various examples he mentions the "white hot wild...warring as for spouse and child".

UmmHmm. Let Bush surrender himself to the mothers, wives, sisters, female cousins and friends of the American and Iraqi supporters of every soldier and victim of this war. That would be a fitting way for him to honor Memorial Day but would be a gruesome sight to behold.