Cleticfire and Lady Celticfire are READY to deploy there Red Brigade this Friday, butwe need a little advice first.... Please advice on the following... Regarding the safety of our troops and their commanders, would it be prudent to deploy troops to Recruting Offices around the city?? Would this jeoperdize the saftey of troops and mission???
PLEASE Advise...
Kommandos Go Fashionable
I stumbled across this interesting ad for toy soldier t-shirts.Be the first kommander to get your own! Click on MEN"S and then TOY SOLDIERS.
Continuing to Deploy
careful there be dragons here . . .
Okay first, I don't own a digital camera, so you will have to take my word on this.
Second, I b
asically live in Pleasantville. Very Bush and Bible lovin' Pleasantville.
Nothing UNpleasant ever goes on (or is talked about anyhow), and everything is shiny and nice. So naturally in this kind of town once a year it would be perfectly natural to post - in the extremely pleasant, and tasteful - downtown area 4foot dragon
statues that have each been painted by different (here I would so love to say, I ache to say artists) 'groups', with different 'themes'. There's the USA Soccer Dragon (go team! - oops, sorry), there's the 'Happily Ever After Dragon' and so on. There are actually some cool ones done in mosaic, or with a really original themes (2 years ago it was Bears, and someone actually stole the "Love Me Tender Elvis Bear"!! - the town is yet to get ov
er the shock). It's all for a good cause, because at the end of . . . ? hmmm not sure - all the lovely rich people get together and have a grand dinner and auction and bid on the "oh so cute and 'pleasant' dragons" and all the money goes to the United Way and everyone is happy with themselves. What they do with the damn things I have no idea...
Oh! My point? Yes, sorry. Well undeterred by the overwelming sweetness,
dodging women in pink track suits and french manicured toes with children whose shoes cost more than my entire closet, these kommando soldiers fearlessly were deployed on the most 'pleasantest' of dragons, AND outside a very popular coffee shop. I am proud to say never did they blink, or shirk their duty and remained standing proudly as I managed a quiet get-a-way in the barney-purple-soccer-mom mini van, feeling honoured to have been associated with them.
Second, I b

Nothing UNpleasant ever goes on (or is talked about anyhow), and everything is shiny and nice. So naturally in this kind of town once a year it would be perfectly natural to post - in the extremely pleasant, and tasteful - downtown area 4foot dragon

Oh! My point? Yes, sorry. Well undeterred by the overwelming sweetness,

Fourth of July

The plane says "Bomb with butter"; the soldier says "Bring us home from Iraq"; the tank says "Bring us home"; the deposit slip says "Bank of America."

While shooting this photo, three kids from across the street came running at me, and started bombing me with water balloons. One shouted something about wanting my camera. It was interesting.
First off, I'd like to add a link to unbrainwashed, which has a partial list of why this war is wrong. That said, it was a very successful campaign, securing at beachhead at Grand Haven, summer tourist destination for Michigan.
Our first kommando was employed at a gas'n'go, at the intersection of two highways. Unfortunately, no photo.
The pier has large rocks alog oneside we thought perfect for deployment. As we deployed one, a teenage girl came by with her mom, picked one up and commented how cool it was(she may have taken it, okay, because there is a link to here on the back).
We walked to the end of the pier where we deployed more kommandos on the steps to the lighthouse. Then it was back to shore, where deployed even more, tossing them at sandcastles as we made our way back to our blanket. As we packed up to leave, an elderly couple came by and saw our original kommando, picked it up and noticed the message. All in all, a successful Independence day campaign!
Our first kommando was employed at a gas'n'go, at the intersection of two highways. Unfortunately, no photo.
This is our first kommando, snapped as he reached the beach. It was a beautiful day and the beach was filled with people, from our secured position all the way to the pier and lighthouse two miles away.
Forward we moved, securing the pavillion at the State Park. (no photos). Then kommandos were deployed at various campgrounds as we moved our way towards the pier. There was also a camper bathroom facility with newspaper machines out front where we deployed another one.

We walked to the end of the pier where we deployed more kommandos on the steps to the lighthouse. Then it was back to shore, where deployed even more, tossing them at sandcastles as we made our way back to our blanket. As we packed up to leave, an elderly couple came by and saw our original kommando, picked it up and noticed the message. All in all, a successful Independence day campaign!

Kommandos Take the Presidio
The Presidio, long vigilant against an attack that never came, decommissioned and returned to the people as a National Park, mobilized again yesterday for one last mission...of peace.

The strategic value of the mission is obvious: in capturing the Presidio, the Kommandos seize control of the Golden Gate.

The Presidio is an essential target in another sense: it is the site of a vast peaceful invasion of tourists from all over America--all over the world.

Perhaps those tourists will carry home the Kommandos' message of peace.

This soldier guards the parade ground, now a bed of wildflowers, at Fort Winfield Scott, named for a victorious general in a long-ago war of choice. This is the symbolic value of the Presidio: a onetime military base, returned to the people for peaceful use.

The strategic value of the mission is obvious: in capturing the Presidio, the Kommandos seize control of the Golden Gate.

The Presidio is an essential target in another sense: it is the site of a vast peaceful invasion of tourists from all over America--all over the world.

Perhaps those tourists will carry home the Kommandos' message of peace.

This soldier guards the parade ground, now a bed of wildflowers, at Fort Winfield Scott, named for a victorious general in a long-ago war of choice. This is the symbolic value of the Presidio: a onetime military base, returned to the people for peaceful use.
Antarctic Incursion into Jesusland
Station Agent's Field Report:
Striking at the very heart of the pro-Iraq War constituency, I took my troops to a WalMart in the Deep South for an intervention.
Here's some images from the field:

This brave soldier takes up position on the book rack where some publishing company had the gall to try to hawk it's Fox News endorsed, pro-oil industry agenda guide book to summer traveling on one tank of gas.

You wanna buy that 3 x 5 foot nylon flag made out of 100 percent nylon? Well you're gonna have to think about the war and how very wrong it all is first.

The oil stabilizer defends the oil stabilizer.
That is all.
Striking at the very heart of the pro-Iraq War constituency, I took my troops to a WalMart in the Deep South for an intervention.
Here's some images from the field:

This brave soldier takes up position on the book rack where some publishing company had the gall to try to hawk it's Fox News endorsed, pro-oil industry agenda guide book to summer traveling on one tank of gas.

You wanna buy that 3 x 5 foot nylon flag made out of 100 percent nylon? Well you're gonna have to think about the war and how very wrong it all is first.

The oil stabilizer defends the oil stabilizer.
That is all.
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